According to a New Clinical Study MarginProbe® Reduces Re-Excision Rate by Half Following Lumpectomies; For DCIS, by Over 60%

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]MarginProbe provides breast cancer surgeons with real-time information during lumpectomies to help decide whether additional tissue should be excised. This is intended to reduce the positive margin rate, giving surgeons a better chance of removing all of the cancerous cells in a single operation.

In a clinical trial conducted by Jens-Uwe Blohmer, Julia Tanko, Jessica Groβ, Ragna Volker and Anna Machleidt with Charite University and Sankt-Gertrauden Hospital in Berlin, MarginProbe was utilized during breast conserving surgery for 150 breast cancer patients. The results from these patients were then compared to results from a historical group of 172 lumpectomies treated at the same facility without the assistance of MarginProbe.

The results: Use of MarginProbe was found to halve the overall rate of re-excision procedures, from 29.7% to 14.6%. Patients with DCIS had an even greater reduction in re-excision rates, from 61.1% to 23.1%. Factors such as morphology, grading, size of the tumor, breast density, age, BMI or the use of marker-wires were not found to affect the results.

The study concludes that MarginProbe is capable of detecting positive margins in invasive carcinoma, DCIS and invasive lobular carcinoma, and with this information, surgeons are able to reduce the re-excision rate by a statistically significant amount.

This study was originally published in the Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Read the abstract including purpose, methods, results and conclusion here. To access the full study (subscription required) click here.

How MarginProbe changes Lumpectomies


MarginProbe consists of two highly-engineered components — the Probe and the Console — designed to provide both reliable performance and ease of use for surgeons within the operating room environment. The system utilizes RF Spectroscopy in a unique and sophisticated way to analyze tissue to identify both normal and malignant cells.

More about MarginProbe

The Science

Cancerous cells are uniquely different from healthy cells and consequently, have very different electromagnetic properties. The bioelectric differences between these breast cancer cells and regular cells can be detected using RF spectroscopy.

Once detected, the electromagnetic “signature” of cancerous cells can be compared to thousands of other cell signatures using a proprietary algorithm created by the R&D team of Dune. Results can then be reported to the surgeon in real time to support a decision regarding the removal of additional tissue from the breast.

More on the science of MarginProbe

Interested in learning how MarginProbe can help improve outcomes for your breast cancer patients including DCIS, surgeons and practice? Contact us at [email protected].[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]